Mastering Office Politics - Smartcut to Career Success
Forget the High Ground
For many professionals, the term "office politics" can evoke negativity, bringing to mind manipulation, favoritism, or unnecessary competition. However, viewing office politics through such a narrow lens often leads to misunderstandings about its true role and value in career advancement. The truth is, if you’re not engaging in the social dynamics at your workplace, you’re taking a moral stance that may seem admirable on the surface but only ends up undermining your career success.
One of my favorite lines is "meetings are to meet people, not work alone. The name is the clue". Similarly, office politics is a channel that everyone should be tapped into.
Honestly, I’ve seen countless individuals harm their own trajectories by opting out of office politics, seeing it as "beneath them." I was one of those naive folks too, early in my career.
In reality, office politics need not be negative. It’s about managing relationships, understanding influence, and navigating organizational dynamics—skills that are critical for anyone who wants to succeed.
Opting out of office politics may feel like taking the moral high road, a way to show that you’re focused solely on work without becoming embroiled in "games." However, this…