What Are You Grateful For?

Ann Venkataraman
Great New Reads
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2020


Positive Thoughts to End a Nightmarish Year!

Have a Brilliant 2021! [Image courtesy author]

If 2020 passed you like a nightmarish blur, then you might feel there is nothing left to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. What’s the point of holidays with no cheer?

The Joy of Being Alive!

Yes, lockdown fatigue is very real. It is hard to find joy when you have been cooped up at home for months, worrying about keeping your job, fretting over loved ones living far away, brooding over every cough and sneeze your family makes.

But consider this — if you are reading this, you are ALIVE!

If you are reading this, you have good eyesight, good judgment, and some leisure time! How wonderful!

If you have worried yourself thin, then take comfort in the fact that it shows you have amazing things and people to worry about! :)

Don’t mean to be disrespectful to the millions of lives lost, but I am just happy to be alive! I did lose a dear uncle, so our family suffered the trauma of his hospitalization, isolated away from us for 3 weeks that I would not wish on even my enemies.

I can’t bring him back but I am fiercely glad that everyone else I love is alive.

Walks in summer (with masks and social distancing), feasting my eyes on the glorious fall…



Ann Venkataraman
Great New Reads

Techie, Manager, Blogger & Mom. I write about Leadership, books, productivity, and how to use them to fast-track your career.