How to Apply to Graduate School in Computer Science

Thinking of applying for a Ph.D. in Computer Science? Here’s how to figure out where to apply, find potential advisors, and put together a strong application.

Nick Feamster
Great Research


Perhaps you’re thinking of applying to Ph.D. programs in computer science. Before you decide to fill out all of those applications, I’d first encourage you to read my post on whether you need a Ph.D. in the first place.

If, after reading about the benefits (and drawbacks) of Ph.D. programs, you’ve decided you want to give it a shot, the next step is putting together an application and sending it to graduate schools. In this post, I explain how to approach this process, with a bit of an insider view of how I read applications, to help you put together the strongest possible application. This article is geared towards applying to doctoral programs that are focused more on research than coursework, as opposed to master’s level programs.

There are three steps to putting together your application: (1) deciding where to apply; (2) identifying a subfield (or two) and a set of possible advisors; (3) honing your application to put your best foot forward.

1. Decide Where to Apply



Nick Feamster
Great Research

Neubauer Professor of Computer Science, University of Chicago. The Internet, research, running, & life.