Great Runs in Nara, Japan

Note: For the Full Guide to Running in Nara, see the GR Website

Mark Lowenstein
Great Runs
1 min readAug 15, 2020


Nara is capital Nara Prefecture, located in the Kansai region of Japan. The city’s eight remaining temples and shrines, Heijō Palace, and the Kasugayama Primeval Forest make Nara a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s a popular day trip from Osaka and Kyoto, easily reachable by train. There’s some good running in Nara, with a mix of historical sites, pristine gardens, and the hilly forest paths east of the city.

Nara Park and ‘Runseeing’ Tour

Mount Wakakusa and Forest Route

Heijo Palace and Area Lagoons

Nara Athletic Complex Grounds



Mark Lowenstein
Great Runs

Author of Great Runs Guide. For Travelers Who Run and Runners Who Travel