Great Runs in Ocean City and Rehoboth Beach

Note: For the Full Guide to Running in Ocean City and Rehoboth Beach, see the GR Website

Kelsey Perrett
Great Runs
3 min readAug 30, 2018


Ocean City and nearby Reboboth Beach are among the most popular vacation areas on the east coast: 10,000 residents but 10 million annual visitors! Folks from nearby metro areas flock there in the summer for the miles of long beaches and family-friendly atmosphere. The highlights of running in Ocean City and Rehoboth Beach are the beaches, which stretch for miles and feature firm sand close to the water. Each area has a boardwalk that makes for a fun run, and pleasant side streets with little traffic and typical summer beach homes. Cape Henlopin State Park, in the northern part of Rehoboth Beach, has a 3-mile paved bike path and some pleasant nature trails. We don’t recommend the main coastal road, which is busy, and not very pretty.

Ocean City—Beach and Boardwalk. The beach is nearly 9 miles of firm, packed sand, good for running. Many access points. The boardwalk is 2.25 miles from 27th St. south to the Ocean City Inlet.

Ocean City — Northside Park. Pleasant park running. A loop around the perimeter is about 1 mile. Combine with a beach run, 0.5 miles to the east. Nearby residential streets are also good for running.

Ocean City—Neighborhood Running. Residential neighborhoods near Northside Park. We also recommend the Isle of Wight/Lighthouse Sound area.

Rehoboth Beach and Boardwalk. One can run for 10+ miles on this beach, which has fairly firm sand . The Boardwalk runs for 1 mile between Queen St. and Lake St., and is festive and fun for running when not too crowded.

Rehoboth Beach — Best Running Options. In addition to the beach and boardwalk, we recommend pleasant residential side streets off the beach, miles of trails in Cape Henlopin State Park, and Gordons Pond Trail.

