A Journey Down Discovery Lane

Benjamin Lane
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2017

So I have been asking some questions recently… It’s about to get deep!

What race am I running? What does “success” look like for me?

How do I design my life for “happiness”? How does my career fit into all this?

How do I set the bar-high whilst enjoying the journey? How do I balance my “dreams” with the reality of today’s world?

Am I a dog chasing my own tail? Am I seeking something that just doesn’t exist?

Fundamentally… WHO AM I?!

Sounds like I am having an existential crisis?

Not quite… Wikipedia is telling me that “an existential crisis is a moment at which an individual questions the very foundations of their life: whether this life has any meaning, purpose, or value”.

I know my life has meaning, purpose and value… But I am seeking how best to unlock and unleash!

Sounds like I am just another tragic “millennial” searching to find myself?

Probably. At times I do feel lost with all the different options and overload of information…

But I read somewhere (1) that “millennials” are the HERO generation. We come of age during a time of great crisis. And we are, my friends, at a time of crisis.

Sounds like I am ungrateful privileged cis white-boy always wanting more?

I hope not. Although I worry that this is how my parents are starting to see me.

(Without the “white boy” part… I can’t imagine Nigel or Jeanine saying something so gangster. I also don’t really know what “cis” means… I just heard it at a transgender talk and it sounded like another source of my privilege).

Sounds like I am young, naïve and in the middle of an ego-driven battle?

Most certainly.

I am indeed young — relatively speaking at 29. I am indeed naïve — I have a huge amount of wisdom to learn from life’s experiences. And I embrace this great ego-driven battle — this is the eternal battle of human existence. It is my duty to act with deliberate intention and fight… BRING IT ON!

The eternal battle of human existence: Bhagavad Gita — Lord Krishna leads Arjuna out onto the battlefield.

Sounds like I am an idealist?


A tiny candle shines bright in the darkest of rooms… In fact, the darker the room the brighter it’s light… Oh, and a candle looses nothing by lighting another candle #candlefetish

But does the world need another “find your purpose” or “how to be happy” blogger?


I have grown up being told I can do whatever I want, and that the key to a happy life is just turning my passion into work. Well that’s sh*t advice, whoever started that trend!

My goal is to cultivate some of my curiosities, and over the coming weeks/months/years ask some fundamental questions that I am curious to explore.

There will be sporadic blog posts, the odd podcast, many pleas for help, and I promise to share any tools, tips and tricks that I find helpful on my journey.

Learning #1: There is no shortcut. You have to do the work to get clear…

But here is to hoping I uncover a few things that enable and enrich…

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Food for thought:

(1) - The Forth Turning, by Neil Howe and William Strauss. Millennials are the HERO generation.



Benjamin Lane

Connecting with people from all walks of life to inspire, empower and deliver lasting impact around our world and meaning in the everyday. www.discoverylane.org