What Is It Really Like Living With a Full-Time Writer?

The good, bad and ugly … from a non-writer’s perspective

Clare Hart
Great Writing Tips
7 min readJan 17, 2020


Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Today, I felt compelled to write this article.

I am a little scared as I am not a writer and I have questioned whether I even should be allowed to write.

I joined Medium because my partner said it was a great place to ‘learn, read and adsorb different points of view on life’. So I did. After all, he knows his stuff.

So for weeks now, I have tentatively clicked on the odd link here or there. I have read all his articles of course and I have to say, they are brilliant and very well written. But I would say that, wouldn’t I? I am his biggest fan.

He is the person who I chose to spend the rest of my life with. Choosing to spend it with someone who would stretch me, challenge me, annoy me, make me happy, excite me, cherish me and push me to be a better person. I chose to spend it with someone who I knew would be an incredible parent, right by my side.

But, the truth is, I am not a writer. I don’t think I ever will be.

I can type — quite fast actually — I know my alphabet and even though my mum constantly told me I was crap at spelling growing up, I do know how to spell. Well, most of the time.

My mum reads a broadsheet every day. She does the crossword every day, she reads ‘words’ every day, so she MUST be right, surely? My grammar is not great either so I am on a back foot before I even start. But, I do have a heart, a big heart, so I am going to write from there and let it carry me through.

So, what is it like, living with a writer? From my point of view, it comes with many challenges. I am not necessarily saying this is true of all writers, just ‘my’ one, so please don’t be offended by anything I say as I am aware that most of you reading this may also be writers. Proper ones, even.

By the way, he would have written that paragraph very differently and probably much less apologetically. You begin to see our differences.

My partner has been in love with the internet since before the internet became mainstream. A bit like his love of cryptocurrency, way before a lot of people were aware of it (certainly in our circle of friends and family anyway).

He founded and built up a chain of internet cafes for over 20 years until we became the longest-running internet cafe in the UK. Prior to that, going way back, he was Brand Manager for Microsoft. Communicating a message, promoting a brand, creating stories and writing — communication has been key in everything he has done work-wise.

He is an incredibly creative, driven and organized human being. I am also creative, driven and organized, but we are so different. He has self-belief and an almost dogmatic self-assurance. He doesn’t care if you like or dislike him, he is who he is.

Oh, I should say that most people do like him by the way— I don’t want you to think I am living with a monster. (Apology #2). Yet that same person wants to be acknowledged for his writing. He wants his audience to say ‘well done’. He wants his voice heard. He wants recognition.

He has a very logical approach to everything. With his writing, it is carefully thought out. The subject chosen, researched thoroughly, and time allocated accordingly. The challenge here is that along with that amazing logical brain, sometimes comes a lack of emotion which is evident in everyday situations, whereas I cry at a matchbox (as someone once said to me). I often want to say to him “you can’t logic your way through emotion”, but knowing him he’d find a way.

We are both extremely creative, but where I like to spontaneously choose an object and design a room around it, he would find this an utterly inconceivable approach. He’d rather read and research, plan, then design.

But we each bring something to the relationship I guess and get there in the end. Somewhere along the way, we work it out and in turn have created a beautiful, visually appealing home that reflects us as a family, with lots of eclectic pieces and well thought out storage spaces.

I am by no means lazy, but after a full day's work, feeding the family, carrying out the evening chores of washing, packed lunches, plans for after school, etc, I like to sit on the sofa and watch mindless drivel. Whilst I am doing this, you will find the first floor of our house silent and peaceful as the children sleep.

In stark contrast to that behind the closed door of ‘Hub Central’, you will find my partner frantically and loudly typing away above my head, like his life depended on getting that last word just right. He’ll be there writing about cryptocurrency, being a dad, money, family and even writing itself.

So, should I feel guilty? Should I worry that my brain cells are diminishing by the minute whilst I watch such drivel and he is, metaphorically speaking, sharpening his?

Or should I relax, indulge and wait for my partner to return to the sofa, to sit with me for the last hour of the day, to enjoy something that we both like to watch, perhaps “Gold Rush”, something we are still addicted to after these years. So much so, in fact, that we often fantasize about dropping everything and moving to Alaska, setting up a new operation and making damn sure that sluice box is set at a 1 inch per foot angle!

But being a writer is all about communication as far as I can see. My writer loves an audience. He loves to be heard. He loves to tell a story or two and I suspect that’s why he simply loves writing. It may also be why he is such a fantastic Dad. He can substantiate any argument our children present to him and answer any question they have. Most of the time anyway.

And not just any old answer, an answer that they will understand and be inspired to share with their teachers or friends. But the challenge for me is that at times I can feel quite inferior, especially when my son turns to me on the school run and says “Mummy, how do planes stay in the air?”

I reply “I don’t know son, shall we ask Daddy tonight over dinner?”

The downside to living with a writer is that they have the ability to pour out their thoughts, feelings, viewpoints, concerns, excitement about one subject or another through their writing, yet they are often incapable of telling their partner how they feel about whether they liked what they were wearing, whether they really want to do something, what they want to achieve in the year ahead.

Yet that same partner can write an article about the importance of sitting together at the end of the day as a family, sat at the table and REALLY talking about each of our days and consciously enjoying the food in front of us.

He will often ask me to tell him about my day and sometimes I find that hard to answer. Put simply, I have been talking most of the day, whereas he has been writing most of it and now wants to talk! This always makes me smile.

I used to say:

“You’re working too much, writing at funny hours, let’s move your office to an actual office away from our home” and “please don’t take your laptop on holiday” etc.

But over time, I have learned that to take away all of that, or to restrict it in any way would be a disaster. He needs that access, that flexibility to do what he loves, to be the person he truly is. I know he doesn’t like writing more than me or our family, but I do know how important writing is to him day to day.

The challenges I face are to do with time, energy, attention, focus, comparison, drive, and ambition. Accepting my partner, working with my partner, whilst also asserting my needs and desires. The key here is the way you assert your desires that makes all the difference and that’s the part I am still working on daily.

Recently Medium sent an email to all its Medium subscribers. As you would expect, it was well written, but what resonated with me was within its last paragraph. It read:

In a world dominated by mindless feeds, we’re aiming to deliver delight, insight, utility, fun. And to bring a little joy back to the internet.

My partner has never fallen out of love with the internet, far from it. Now through his latest writing, he is ultimately aiming to deliver that delight, insight, utility, fun and hopefully bring a little joy back to the internet.

I will continue to support that, challenges and all. I’m in it for the long haul and I’m not about to exit stage left, even if, as Olin Miller once said:

Writing is the hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators

