The Presidential Transition Act

The Transition Team
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2016

This is the website for the Office of the President Elect and of the Vice President Elect. This site provides public information about the Presidential transition and offers opportunities to participate in this important public endeavor. Please check back often for updates on news, events, and programs related to the incoming Trump Administration.

Trump For America, Inc. (“TFA”), the entity supporting the Presidential transition through Inauguration, was organized and operates pursuant to the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, as amended (the “Act”), 3 U.S.C. § 102 note. TFA is organized as a nonprofit corporation under New Jersey law, and operates in a manner consistent with Section 501©(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

As set forth in Section 2 of the Act, Congress has recognized the importance of the Presidential transition by stating that “it is the intent of the Congress that appropriate actions be authorized and taken to avoid or minimize any disruption” in the transition of Presidential power. “In addition to the specific provisions contained in this Act directed toward that purpose, it is the intent of the Congress that all officers of the Government so conduct the affairs of the Government for which they exercise responsibility and authority as (1) to be mindful of problems occasioned by transitions in the office of President, (2) to take appropriate lawful steps to avoid or minimize disruptions that might be occasioned by the transfer of the executive power, and (3) otherwise to promote orderly transitions in the office of President.”

