Interesting Fact: The Sun makes up 99.86% of our Solar System’s mass! 🌞

Great Epicurean
The Great Epicurean
1 min readAug 6, 2018


The Sun’s mass is approximately 1,988,550,000,000,000,000,000 billion kg. Which is equivalent to about 330,000 Earths!

Our star, the Sun, makes up 99.86% of our Solar System’s mass. Its core is so dense and hot that normally repellent nuclei fuse together in nuclear reactions that produce vast amounts of energy.

The Sun is mostly hydrogen (its main fuel) and helium, and radiates charged particles called solar wind across the Solar System. Phenomena such as solar flares and sunspots are evidence of the Sun’s strong magnetic field, which changes on a roughly 11-year cycle.

Read about eye safety during solar eclipses on the NASA website.

