5 actions to restore trust

Straight from the Edelman Trust Barometer and highlighted by VisibleThread’s more recent study, easier to understand T&Cs is a clear winner in the eyes of everyday folks interacting with products and services.

One of Australia’s Big 4 banks has recently acted on this.

The market is finally waking up and moving. Boiler plate text that’s hidden away and designed almost exclusively to protect the corporation is no longer acceptable.

This might seem daunting. I mean, how do you change that which is deeply embedded and ‘accepted’? But meaningful progress can be made quickly and cost effectively. Nothing has the break. Rather, you’ll find the opposite.

If you wanna learn an evidence based approach to making T&Cs people ❤️ your reality, check out our 10x workshops. We can get you started on the journey in a matter of hours.

Happy Monday 😊



Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design

A confluence of Happy Gilmore, Conor McGregor and the Dalai Lama.