Give to Get Data Sharing: Here’s How to Do it Right!

Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design
2 min readApr 20, 2020
Image only. See video below :)

When you’re asked to share data, are you confident you know:

  1. What you’re getting in return
  2. How you’re protected, and
  3. How the organisation asking for the data will deal with issues if and when they arise?

Let’s get real. You’re not. None of us really ‘know’. In fact, many organisations are unaware of the explicit value each data attribute they process is helping deliver to the individuals the data relates to. As we’ve called out before, the model, and the way we think about the model, is pretty darn broken.

Pew Research Center’s (U.S. spelling) most recent privacy study calls this out. It’s pretty damning…

PEW Research Center

This isn’t really news. The ‘data’ has supported this perspective for as long as I’ve been paying attention to it (close to a decade). People do not have meaningful control. They feel powerless. They’ve become apathetic. There isn’t really such thing as personal data agency (today).

But, even without changing the world and remaking the internet, we can make progress today. We can design simple, effective and empowering product and services experiences that offer give to get clarity.

That’s exactly the focus of this week’s Here’s How To video.

So, if you’re frustrated (either as a consumer or ‘designer’) with the crappy disclosure experiences of today, watch this video. Have a crack at designing a differentiated experience. Put it to the test. Share what you learn. Evolve your approach. Help contribute to a better information society.

Oh, and if you want to dive deeper into any of this, send us a note or connect with me directly (LinkedIn is probably best).

Until next week :)



Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design

A confluence of Happy Gilmore, Conor McGregor and the Dalai Lama.