If a small startup can do it in 7–10 hours, so can you!

Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design
2 min readFeb 20, 2020

We’ve been harping on about the problems with electronic contracting environments for quite some time. The way we see it, the disclosure experiences we engage with on a daily basis (as consumers) are fundamentally broken. They’re long, poorly designed and often deliberately hidden away.

The net result of this is that consumers feel disempowered. They don’t believe they’re able to influence the outcome of their experience. They don’t feel like they’re given meaningful choices. In fact, people have become apathetic. This is digital resignation in practice.

Our argument is that organisations have a responsibility to do better. A lot better.

Some are trying. Most are failing (largely as a result of not trying).

This is the reason we launched The Better Disclosure Program.

If you’re interested in learning more about how this works, check out this video. It’s a candid overview of our experience using the program to design a simple, effective and empowering contract experience.

Although we may be at somewhat of an advantage here (given this is the sort of stuff we do everyday), we did all of this on a shoestring. We only had three team members working on this. Collectively they have now engaged in about 7–10 hours of work. We did this on the side, all whilst growing our business and delivering value to our clients.

Putting it frankly, if we can do it, so can you.

Please ask us questions. Comment with ideas. Challenge us on the contents of the case study. Let’s start a movement. Let’s work together to make terms and conditions, privacy notices, product disclosure statements and every other style of ‘contract’ a more valuable, meaningful and engaging experience.



Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design

A confluence of Happy Gilmore, Conor McGregor and the Dalai Lama.