Let’s make better cookies :)

Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design
2 min readAug 17, 2020

I’m not referring to the chocolate chip kind. Although, I do make a mean cookie ;) Hit me up if you want a recipe!

I’m actually referring to the kind that annoys the crap out of us when we land on a website.

By now you probably know that most cookie notices are not compliant. Many employ manipulative dark patterns. And frankly speaking, this is probably a bad use case for the legal fiction that is consent. But and you have gotta work with what we’ve got.

If you want more info the the current literature on this topic, check out our first ever Here’s How To video below.

So, as part of launching our new platform (more on that in upcoming posts), we’ve been actively designing a differentiated cookie consent notice.

For those of you that know us well, this won’t surprise you. If we delivered a status quo experience in this context, we’d be big time hypocrites. You could liken this to a personal trainer that’s never lifted a barbell, an author that doesn’t read or a wealth manager that’s broke. You get the gist. We’ve got to practice what we preach.

And that’s what this week’s Here’s How To video is all about.

In it I discuss the recent Oracle and Salesforce debacle, the literature on this topic, the metrics we are optimising for and the specific design output we’ve produced.

So, although cookie consent is a band aid covering up lots of systemic issues, it‘s very possible to pragmatically do better, whilst keeping an eye on what might become a better model in the future.

If you’re looking to do this, the video is for you. It’ll provide very specific inspiration that you can act upon.

As always, hit me up with comments, questions and queries. Better yet, share the outputs you produce. I’d love to learn from the process you’ve executed.



Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design

A confluence of Happy Gilmore, Conor McGregor and the Dalai Lama.