Starting Small: Here’s How To Fix The Internet

Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design
2 min readAug 4, 2020

Last week I ran an interactive workshop for founders participating in Betaworks Studios ‘Fix the Internet’ program. This wasn’t a ‘presentation’. It was an interactive and action-oriented workshop facilitated using Mural.

Screen shot of the Mural board we used

Our primary focus as a group was to identify specific actions that might enhance the social preferability of products, services, business models and overarching governance structures. The intent was for founders to walk away with an ‘un-groomed’ backlog of ethical actions (represented as green stickies above).

What they do next is up to them.

The cool thing is you can engage in this process too. It only takes 60 minutes. You’ll walk away from it with a bunch of ideas you can explore further, prioritise and then act on.

If you want access to the process and the mural, let me know.

An that’s what this week’s Here’s How To video focuses on. In fact, I propose you simplify the process even further. Define one ethical action you can take. Then take it. Report back on how it impacts your ways of working, your products and services, the relationships you have with your customers and anything else that might feel meaningful.

The more we share the more we can grow together.

As always, hit me up with comments, questions and queries. I’m excited to learn more about the changes you commit to.



Nathan Kinch
Greater Than Experience Design

A confluence of Happy Gilmore, Conor McGregor and the Dalai Lama.