Struck Zine : Week 2

Refinement is key.

James Ramirez
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2016


My creative endeavor — a Struck zine — though still in it’s infancy, is moving along at a steady pace. As I mentioned in my kickoff post, this whole project has been a huge eye opener. Old ideas have paved the way for new ideas and fresh insights have come to light. I’ve now found myself viewing graphic design in a totally different light.

Project Update: Lots of tweaking has been happening around the SLC Struck office over the last week (not in the Breaking Bad sense). That is to say, there’s been lots of experimentation. Experimentation with even more color concepts, type, image placement and the ironing out of little kinks. These have been the emphasis of this week’s workload. Refinement is key.

One thing I’ve learned in my internship thus far is that attention to detail is paramount in producing a quality product. Not to suggest that I wasn’t looking out for the little things before, this is bringing things to a totally new level. Just when I think I have something right where I want it, I’m pushed to take it a step further…to make it > (or “greater than,” as Struck’s motto goes).

Even small changes can prove integral in the way one’s eye is guided from one page to the next. The alteration of the weight of a typeface from bold to semi bold or the placement of a page number. A lot of trial and error has been involved on my end. Luckily for me I have an exceptional (and patient) mentor! With the helpful critiques of him and some of the other seasoned pros at Struck, even at an early phase, this zine’s composition has definitely started to fall into place.

Here’s a little demonstrate of the composition direction I’m heading towards:

A bit of creative criticism and ideas on the use of color from my mentor extraordinaire, Michael DeHann.

My wheels are really turning now and with each passing day I’m getting more and more psyched to see this showcase zine come to fruition! As this preliminary phase nears completion, I can soon start moving into what will constitute the real meat of this project — collecting and the bio info and project art from all of the Struck veterans slated to be featured in the publication. As I am surrounded by a host of creative minds, I am excited to see what insights they will bring to the table! Stay tuned until next week…

James Ramirez is a DJ, freelance graphic designer and cinephile. When he’s not digging for used records he’s searching local strip malls for the best ethnic food. Right now he’s also the summer design intern at Struck.

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James Ramirez
Writer for

James is a DJ, freelance graphic designer, and cinephile. When he’s not digging for used records he’s searching strip malls for the best ethnic food.