Hey you, be social. Contract

Edwin van der Geest
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2017

Week number two of this cohort of Leadwise Practical Self management Course. Combining a busy working week with a course like this is challenging but really worthwhile. I learned a lot again.

Starting with a workshop/collaboration form I wasn’t familiar with. It was called 2–4–8. Inspired by Liberating Structures. Choose a topic (this time it was: what are the succesfactors of a great self managed team). and discuss it with 2 people. Then, discuss the same topic with two groups of 2 (yes, that makes 4). And last, discuss it with two groups of 4.

Joshua vial - Enspiral and inspirational

The guest speaker of this week was Joshua Vial, founder of Enspiral. The company itself was already an inspiration, his talk was that as well. Joshua calls Enspiral a group/network of smaller companies working together. The real name has to be found, for now it’s still ‘sort of an organisation’. All small companies in the Enspiral network contribute to the network. By giving an amount of money.

What can I do today to grow the people around me?

Josh adds the office everyday with the question ‘What can I do today to grow the people around me?’. I like this question so much, I’m going to borrow it right away :).

You want everybody to act as an adult. But that is harder then it looks especially in hierarchical organisations. It is not about showing up at work in child role (i want others to fix things for me) or parent role (i want to fix things for others). Act as an adult, and everybody is equal.

Such a network seems to attract extrovert people. But also introverts are powerful part of the organisation. You only need to give them enough time to train how to interact in conversations.

Speedbacking. Another inspirational tool. A combination of speeddating and giving feedback. Small 1-on-1 sessions where you give feedback to each-other, only a couple of minutes. Then one side of the table rotates to the table next to him, and the process repeats itself. It is a powerful tool to stimulate giving feedback. Most of the time a couple of minutes won’t be enough, so this speedbacking is

Group assignment — social contract to the group

We created a social contract, for team Whānau. Started by letting every member add his ‘rules’ in a google doc and how we want to present it. In a meeting we decided which of the rules make it to the final contract. Also we decided that a poster with our signatures would fit its purpose, as you can see here.

Also we created a quiz in Kahoot. A nice way to interact with the team and new members about the social contract.

You can still play it: https://kahoot.it/challenge/0706671. pin: 0706671 (available until 30 nov)

Personal assignment — CLOU

Defining my personal mission statement in a CLOU, was the hardest part for me this week. So I just summed up the answers for the 4 question. That was the starting point of writing a ‘letter to the team’.

Thanks again for this week.



Edwin van der Geest

Edwin is the founder of Edition, an organization design agency. Edition's mission is unleashing potential energy in individuals, teams, and organizations.