Week#4 LW_How generosity made me fall in love

Lucia Die Gil
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2017

This week I fell in love with my co-learners, Moses and Jane. Truly.

Giving and receiving help was the topic for the week. Sweet. I knew offering and giving help was easy for me. Asking for and receiving help wasn’t that easy a few years ago, but I learnt that receiving is a gift just as important as giving. Or even more. There’s no giving without receiving anyway and, who am I to stop the cycle of Life?

Going deeper, I may say that my difficulties with receiving come from my early childhood, growing up in an environment where there was no space for me to express my needs or ask for them to be covered, I simply closed down, in my own little safe bubble and slowly, slowly learnt to find my own ways, then with little steps and support from friends and relationships, became an independent woman who could, of course, get shit done on her own, move furniture around on my own (in some cases I wonder how I managed!), go live in remote scary places, buy a house by myself, etc, etc. At some point in life that I can’t exactly remember, I asked myself a question “Of course I can but… Do I want to do everything on my own? Hell NO!!” And that has been a tipping point for me for the way I live and work and for stepping out in the world. I’m sure many of you out there resonate with this, you all strong independent women and men. We’re in this together.

And that togetherness is what made me fall in love this week. With two awesome, talented, brave human beings who created a space for me to say anything and everything, who shared themselves openly, who supported me, who gave and received support, allowing the flow to serve its purpose: allowing the flow to flow.

For me generosity is a flow. The flow of life that comes and goes and returns, in unexpected ways that may seem unconnected and unrelated at first but that, in reality, connect us and make us relate to each other. Sometimes even fall in love with each other.

