How we emerged Taonga collective contract.

Yolande Demirian
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2017

Last week we were were exploring the concept of collective contract and experiencing the process in our team.

First we were listening and exchanging with Joshua Vial from Enspiral,, operating without any hierarchy. It was an inspiring event.

Here are several points that raised my attention :difference between conscious and unconscious agreement (processes — vs- what people really do), Enspiral goal : helping people to achieve Ambition-Mission–Vision , working in organization is about “helping people to see and to be seen”, the organization where people canopt’in in any decision is based on social contract.

Our team set 2 short meetings to elaborate ou SC. Before the 1st meeting, every team member was asked to draft individually principles that we considered important to inscribe into our SC. During the first meeting we were discussing point by point what all of us prepared and commented our colleagues work.

We decided to imagine a SC for our team, considering that our shared purpose was precisely to “build a social contract”.

During this creative process, we addressed our values, bringing concrete examples from our work with companies as the difficulty to express the emotions in the organizations. Different topics came up like : rules of good conduct, emotions expression, efficient communication, transparency, colleagues respect, commitment, accountability and mutual support between team members.

We also became aware of diversity issues that one need to address and to make explicit before formulating a common version of our contractual principles . I realized how much the culture of each of us were impacting our teamwork and our view on different points .

After making some quick decisions and simplifying our proposals to make them clear and acceptable to all of us, we agreed that video would be the great expression of our work.

We decided that Rasmus will share with everybody our last version to let others add or make modifications. We needed to meet again Friday morning to rehearse everything then meet 1 hour before the call to record our work. We decided to introduce our respective cultures through pronouncing by everybody the refrain in his or her language. We prepared ourselves mentally for the exercice and when it was time for the recording, we were all feeling very special and energized, we were looking at each other, smiling. It was magic !

This was the moment we were feeling our work has been accomplished.

You can see it here. (

I think that to apply the process into the organization a more structured process would be needed including brainstorming or world café, than crossing the teams results, vote, final approval and choosing the media or the support.

