Intensive it is, and worth it

Edwin van der Geest
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2017
yes, that’s me thinking

A five week online course, called Leadwise Practical Self management Intensive. Beforehand I was intrigued, afterwards I am inspired to take action! They call it intensive, and it was. 5 weeks, at least two evening sessions per week and then there is the weekly assignment. But it was definitely worth it.

Inspiration overload

Every week was packed full of inspiration, on top of that the complete group of participants was awesome. All levels of experiences, from all over the world. 3 times inspired:

  1. Inspired by all the talks by external guests. Especially the talks of Joshua Vial (Enspiral) and Doug Kirkpatrick (Morningstar) kept in my mind.
  2. Inspired by all the articles that where shared in Slack, but also as part of the weekly assignments.
  3. Inspired by the awesome co-participants.

Last assignment

The last weeks assignment was to prototype an idea or initiative. The same team as week 1, we could have done 2 options. Chose the idea of week 1 of create a new idea and develop a prototype for that. Once again Rasmus had a great idea. This time he had an idea of study tours, visiting self management companies al over the world. To make it more realistic and to prototype I thought of making it digital, as we did with this course as well, using Zoom as a tool.

So the idea: Doing ‘digital’ study tours along truly inspiring self management practitioners. By creating a platform for collaborating on who, what, when and why. Using the powers of the distributed ‘workforce’.

The tools we selected:

  • Zoom for hosting the meetings. With the ability to record.
  • Loomio for the distributed decision making. On who to invite to talk about his/her experience.
  • Slack for communicating and collaborating.
  • Wordpress for the website,
  • Medium for publications.

I really think this is a powerful way to share and gain knowledge, through the power of networking. And I would love to work even further on this initiative.

My reflections

on the course

  • Very nice to do this course completely digital. And it worked great! I could only think of one thing. Maybe it would be an idea to help/train the newbies in advance on using the tools in this course.
  • As already stated earlier. This was an intensive course. At Incentro, I already had a busy period. That combined with the intensive course in the evening, the readings and the assignments. That was a lot!
  • What I was missing was the topic ‘Purpose’. In my experience it’s very important to have a shared purpose, not just a purpose. But one that’s running through everybody's veins. Even more important than the roles and social contract, in my opinion.

on myself

  • I started with the impression that I was already experienced practitioner. And I still think I am, I had a bit more experience than my co-participants of this course. But man, there is so much more to learn on this topic. And I can’t wait to learn.
  • I learned a lot about myself. A couple of times during this course I was very vulnerable. Instead of hiding myself and the feeling I tried to take action and find out why.
  • Me to myself: What am you waiting for. Stop procrastinating, follow your purpose.

Conclusion: Thanks

The only way I could end this post is by thanking. So here it is. Thanks to Leadwise for creating this course, thanks to Enspiral for the huge contribution and inspiration. Thanks Kate for hosting most of the sessions. Thanks to all the external speakers for your inspiration. And last but not least, thanks to all the participants for collaborating on this.


I am ready to launch myself now



Edwin van der Geest

Edwin is the founder of Edition, an organization design agency. Edition's mission is unleashing potential energy in individuals, teams, and organizations.