Leadwise — 1-Cork-OAK _ week 1
Purpose: A global think tank and action research institute dedicated to supporting our transition to an economy that blends systems thinking, with the evolution of consciousness and hands-on methods and tools.
Title: Reality checker
Purpose:Justify, qualify and humanize the importance of having and the growing of a new economy.
- Collect and manage data that supports the need of a new economy.
- Interview people with personal/real stories that can humanize and reinforce our mission.
- Act as public relation person with potential partners and members of the network.
- Infographics and communication materials with data.
- Interviews published in our website.
- Social media updates and references.
Title: Theory generator
Purpose: contribute and foster academic and scientific thinking regarding trends and challenges of the new economy.
- Gather, analyze and summarize in a friendly accessible way articles already published on the subject.
- Generate content for communication materials and our website.
- Write articles and support staff to write articles to be published in international scientific journals.
- Quality and number of readers of articles and summaries published in our website.
- Number of articles and citations in scientific articles.
- Invitations to national and international seminars and events to present findings and publications.
Title: Bridge builder
Purpose: build and maintain connections with other fields important to our purpose and the new economy.
- Map areas, organizations and people dealing with similar or correlated topics.
- Act as outreach person to build new partnership.
- Manage existing partnership relations and contacts.
- Participation and convening of seminars and meetings with stakeholders from other fields/areas.
- Good perception from partners of the quality of our work and materials.
Title: Coherence keeper (all)
Purpose: live and practice the values and behaviors we preach to the external world in our lives and organization.
- Promote and foster consciousness practices among members of staff.
- Engage in personal development practices that contribute to self-care and mindfulness.