My Reflections on Roles and Agreements

Catalina Contoloru
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2020
Image source: Unsplash, Luca Bravo

As we wrap up the first week of the Practical Self-Management course I find myself wanting more. More of this. More creativity in the workplace. More wholeness. More connection despite the social distance. More openness despite the closed borders. More communication despite our different opinions.

I love new beginnings so PSM is such an exciting journey for me, exploring more about self-management together with 14 other beautiful souls, supporting each other and creating this awesome space to learn. This first week was about Roles and Agreements so I started thinking about my own roles in these recent years in the teams I was part of and the agreements we created together, consciously or unconsciously. How well did we communicate this to each other? How often did we come together to review and reflect? Were our agreements clear enough and more importantly, did they fully represent us? Did we bring our individual gifts together to co-create our agreements?
As I’m building up my role within my team, PTHR, I know I want to be more aware of this, to go back to these questions and see how I can bring this closer to us every day.
Looking at the exercise we did this week around team agreements, I’m in awe of this group’s power to express, create and be with each other. Friday’s session felt like a festival for me. An expression of our personalities, intentions and energies.
We closed the week on a high note, with lots of insights and ideas, so I left wondering how do we create more space for creativity and play in our day to day practices outside the course?

Looking at the communities I’m part of, I’m wondering how aware we are of the roles we have in our day to day life and the unwritten agreements we’ve made with our families, our neighbours, our friends. Awareness is key. This week reminded me of one the first exercises I did 10 years ago when I was a student in the Alternative University in Bucharest, looking at the roles I had in my life and how much energy I dedicated to each one of them. It was a programme for developing our autonomy in learning. We need more of that. More of this.



Catalina Contoloru

Constantly discovering new stuff, places & interests. Currently focusing on alternative education, HR, social business, travel, yoga.