[Practical Self Management Intensive] Week 1 Reflection _Transition to the new work system; (1) Mindset Shift

Woojung Kim
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2020
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

0/ Stepping into the unknown.
Prior to the start of the PSMI course, I imagined that the course would tell me how to improve work performance, how to work effectively with others, and how to obtain the substantive content of charismatic leadership and power in order to well manage team members/performance in the end. However, it got me thinking of relationship with myself, with others, and with society. Furthermore, I became aware of the need for inner change for self empowerment. Why? There are some takeaways from the 1st week of the course.

1/ Social Contract
As far as I understood through the class, the social contract is related to the mutual agreement between people in an organization or a team in the light of the fundamental requirement of individuals with their rights. Upon this principle, I started paying attention to myself for the first time in years. This is because I had always reviewed and signed the nearly fixed statement of work contract provided by the employer/the society. It drives me mad thinking of how I am well trained to be a diligent worker to help the employer/the society increase profits. Anyway, the first lesson I have learned from PSMI course was something special as it gave me a chance to think about myself on a deeper level. For example, it made me think of when to devote myself in works, what bothers me in terms of effectiveness at work, and how I collaborate with people and so on. I assume that others would also feel the same way. In this regard, social contract can be implemented agreed points deeply understanding oneself as well as others.

2/ Role Expectation Canvas
The practice for creating my role in the team/organization was not easy at all, as I had worked or taken action as set forth in the role agreement/contract. (By the way, it is not the case for my current company as mine is flexible and resilient organization :)) Actually, success can be defined by means of financial rewards as well as advancement of the status. In the similar way, person can be treated as a looser/failure if failing to meet acceptable standards of performance in compliance with Power Dynamics or Hierarchical System. Accordingly, individuals (like me) are prone to strive for perfection to prove their ability. However, the practice for drawing the role expectation canvas (including the creation of my role, responsibilities, and challenges) has given me an opportunity to create my presence for the team carefully considering my value, interests, openness, trustworthiness, responsibility, and vulnerability and so on. I am not 100% sure if I can always be conscious about things I have filled in, but it is still important for me to start getting rid of my habitual behavior in the conventional work system.

3/ Team Work
We also had the team task on the development of the team agreement. Although we had a bit difficulty thoroughly communicating due to scheduling conflicts and timezone difference, the experience of collaboration with a whole new people appears interesting. Thanks for Nick, he kindly designed the fundamental frame/format of the agreement. So, I felt safe/at ease to develop the ideas, to express my opinion, and to being attentive to others. Personally, I enjoy working with people as I can develop knowledge and integrate various perspectives/ideas. However, I have somewhat difficulty handling with tension in a team. Accordingly, I would like to figure out the better way of collaborating and interconnecting with people in different language/cultural backgrounds and different personalities in order to truly walk together.

4/ Closing Remarks
To me, I have been practicing the recreation of myself so far, not being governed by others, but governing myself. That is, I am now ready to shift mindset and create a new life and work. One thing for sure, I would be in a constant state of confusion as I have been trained to fit the conventional work system for a long time. Nevertheless, I eager to see how this new work system would change my perspectives and attitudes by the end of this course. So, I look forward to what comes next.

