PSM W5 reflections. Never imagined excursion for the past 5 weeks

A journey of self-discovery and the moment of authentic collaboration

Hyeyoung Jeon
3 min readMay 31, 2020


Working Out Loud

It was a touching story of the week 5 assignment document of Susan’s experience. Having a chance to virtually meet in person with Helen Sanderson, as a special guest on Monday’s session was another joy. She shared a lot of positive energy and it made us all smile.

When I see the phrase ‘working out loud’, it reminded me of the book <Lean In> written by Sheryl Sandberg back in 2013. At that time, I made a serious decision to finally leave from the company due to the role of responsibility as a primary caregiver to my two children who were 7 and 4 years old. My boss was writing a recommendation letter for the book of the Korean translated version of <Lean In> that was about to be published very soon, then. As the first women senior executive in the organization, my direct boss’s career was quite symbolic. Since Sheryl and my boss was starting to build a strategic relationship between the two companies, she was asked to write a recommendation letter for the book. “I’m depressed that <Leaning In> cannot be the golden rule to be a successful career woman, especially when we face difficulties doing unavoidable dual roles, as a professional and a mother as soon as we have a baby.” she sighed. It seemed that I’ve rarely dare to present myself or my competency even in professional life when I look back. It may be because of cultural reasons or my personal characteristics but now, I want to make my mind to be more active in a way of exposing and amplifying myself to vulnerability. And I strongly believe that this is the right way to be more connected to someone who I get to know at some points.

Ask for and Give Help

For the team project, Seam, Julie and myself had a late night zoom call on Thursday and had a chance to discuss what type of request that we have asked in the workplace and the style how we tend to when we need some help at work. We shared very deep and honest experience with each other and kind of realized that we all was a bit hesitated to ask some help even if we don’t feel comfortable or have some troubles at work. We couldn’t 100% figured out yet but at least, we promised that it’s OK to ask some help and it’s all right to expose your negative emotions.

vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy and creativity
<Daring Greatly> by Dr. Brené Brown

Am I a Giver, a Taker or a Matcher?

The campfire that we were around on the last session on May 29, 2020

I took the giver, taker, matcher self assessment, based on the book <Giver and Taker> by Adam Grant. Mine was 53% Matcher, 33% Giver, and 13% Taker. It was interesting even though I realized that I might be a bit selfish. (^^) I also had an unexpected delight that I had a message from one of the cohort members to have ‘no agenda’ call before this course ends. It was short, a half an hour zoom call, but it was very enjoyable moment for me which I’ve never tried and experienced to share that kind of authentic feelings and thoughts with someone who I’ve just got to know at work, even in virtual environment. I want to appreciate for the offer, again and thank you for the inspiring information that she shared after the call.

Now, I expect that it’s not the end of the course, it can be a new chapter for me with renovated lens with expanded views. Will meet again tomorrow with some cohort members, creating our own curriculum of week 6, to move forward with The Sky Collective.

