Second Week — Leadwise Academy

Felipe Amaral
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018

I’m very curious about how the process is going. I understood that the most important learning experiences are based on the interaction with participants and coaches, and not about specific content.

These four questions were asked for the second assignment. I’ll try to respond based on my experience in the last two weeks.

  1. As an individual, why are you here?

I’m very curious about how to create an online learning community. How could people from around the world and with similar interests support each other on the learning process? After years of creating spaces for young people to do their projects and to know themselves better thru face-to-face experiences, now is time for a new challenge. I decided to investigate how to create the same engagement and trust with people that just interact online. The Leadwise Academy is one of the good references that I have, so I decided to try it out and learn with the experience.

2) What does a great experience look like for me as a participant?

It will be a great experience if our group could operate as a real online learning community that supports each other. As well as understanding how to use online tools and learning the best practices of creating the space for the community to engage and share knowledge.

3) How does my participation support the mission of this project?

In my opinion, the success of the program is based on the participation and engagement of the participants. Each one of the participants has a very important role to share knowledge, give feedback and stimulate everyone to be curious to learn more. So, I feel responsible for part of the process and I wish everyone has a great learning experience.

4) What support do I need to ensure I achieve my personal participation mission?

I think the best support I can get is the opportunity to share ideas and knowledge with the participants and the coaches. I need everyone to be engaged in the Academy so we can create this learning community that will support my mission. I’m also very happy to support each one of the participants mission doing the best I can.

