Social Contract & Co — my understanding ..

Yolande Demirian
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2017

The social contract is an agreement people make about how they want to relate to themselves and to each other within the team in order to achieve the common purpose. It is based on 3 principles : reciprocity, belonging and shared purpose.

Most of organizations are managed by the predefined rules that people have to obey, rare are nowadays those who inversely think people need to feel free to create their rules themselves and in that way become a real team.

This week assignment has been a proof that LW program was a right place for me. I understand now that for the team, the question HOW is as important as the question WHY. They are both are determined by the organizational culture and values.

1) As an individual, why I am here

I see my mission as helping individuals and organizations in finding what’s matching for them the most. It will only become possible if they identify and reconnect with their values and the sense of higher purpose. I believe that every individual and every organization naturally strive for growth, This process is inherent to all living creatures and to natural and human systems. The most of top-down organizations are nowadays unable to make their teams expand and grow. They lost the sense of purpose being disconnected from how we imagine our most desirable future, because they unconditionnally run for profit regardless the cost, transforming people into the parts of production chain. For me, other ways are possible. Teal organizations show that the company can be run “with people” and “for people”, and become the place where employees are happy to work, share, be responsible and learn from each other. Such organization is not reduced to making profit, but become conscious of its members or employees aspirations. This kind of organization based on self-management becomes a place of sense making, connecting to others, contributing to something bigger than each of us.

Teal model opens new perspectives for our society, where people don’t work for producing goods and services, but to collaborate and to create something together. I joined the LeadWise program because I believe in the possibility of social transformation, shifting from from the capitalistic paradigm to the human centric mindset. Instead of producing more, and consuming more, we should start to think in terms of our needs, the needs of future generations, the needs and limits of the eco-system. Shifting our perspective from short term goals to a long term systemic vision seems the only way to preserve harmony in our cohabitation on the earth, and balance with the constantly moving surrounding.

We definitely need to understand that collective intelligence is a much bigger resource than individual intelligence. That’s why self-managing structures operating with agility and developing resilience, are also those which are most efficiently dealing with complexity.

I’m here to learn the practical ways to support companies, teams and more largely organizations (schools, health institutions, non profit) in taking a challenge of conscious transformation. I see my mission as the inspirator showing organizations that alternative ways are possible, by practicing with teams innovative processes and supporting them to implement, prototype and grow. Supporting self-managing organizations through openness, generative listening, asking good questions and building learning programs for teams and CEOs is my next goal.

My intention is to bring more consciousness about culture into the organizations and more alignment with personal values at workplace to individuals. Learning “by experience” provided by LW is the best way to pass from the theory to practice, and to inspire management innovation through consulting and coaching.

Only after 2 weeks, I became aware of what self-management actually means and how does it feel to be in self-managing team with a shared goal. I adored to be confronted to and inspired by all kind of diversity issues in my teams and promised myself to integrate those learnings to my current work.

2). — What does a great experience look like for me.

Working in different teams, like we did during first 2 weeks, whilst experiencing strengths and possible roadblocks of self-management is for me the best way of learning. Being empowered by the group and changing team members it’s a unique experience in itself, that enhances learning and produces aha effects all the time.

Also, life calls with innovative practitioners, the possibility to ask questions , and to discover best practices of the cutting edge self-managing organizations is a big strength of LW intensive program.

3). How does my participation support the mission of this project ?

Trying to be pro-active, connected to the community and to LW leaders, listening and supporting myself and team members in their personal and collective journey.

4) What support do I need to ensure I achieve my personal participation mission ?

I need to address with my team members my own challenges that stop me from going beyond my comfort zone. I need to do it still during the program and commit to use those learnings afterwards. The best way would be to set goals and short time action plan, based on best practices of self-management I am experiencing here. Another way would be to make bold decisions and choices impactfulk for my professional commitments.

I am very much inspired by Enspiral organizational practices. My intuition is that working with Dynamic Spiral and working with the gravesian idea of correlation between organizational culture and “life conditions”, would help me to better clarify my professional identity and the social mission I want to hold.

