Week #1 LW_On team accountability

Lucia Die Gil
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2017
While on holidays, at Newgrange, Ireland

On the week I was supposed to be on holidays, disconnecting from the online world while connecting to the Irish land and people. That’s when the Practical Self-Management Intensive starts!

After a bumpy beginning, the team gets together a couple of times and we get it done! Pheeewwww

The assignment consists in creating a company and creating at least twenty roles. Of course both the process and the results are pretty much self-managed, the instructions are clear and quite open so we can practice self-management from the very beginning. Love it!

Along the process, I realise how important is for me to move from hierarchy and bosses to team accountability. I have to admit that I’ve always had some issues with authority. But hey, I’m sure many of those of us immersed in this self-management way of being have some issues with authority. Right?

If this was a course that I was doing on my own, I can see myself justifying “hey, but I’m on holidays” or “well, I drove all day yesterday and I was so tired for the 7am session, sorry…” or “ended up in a place with very poor reception and could not make internet work” or “oups, messed up with my flying times and missed the session” Oh wait, the last one really happened! Actually, all of them are true. And somehow, I managed to be there, get online, say hi, connect with my team, and do the work.

Looking back I really don’t know how some of those things got sorted. What I know is that, if I wasn’t working in a team, if I didn’t have some sort of team accountability, those obstacles would’ve made me miss most of this week’s work. Don’t ask me how or why, I just know.

So here it is, our first week’s assignment on Creating Roles. It took us a couple of iterations and, why not admit it, some moments of uncertainty and insecurity. At the end, all we did was put our best onto it, trust the process and trust the people.

