wk#4 — Weak week

Yves Cavarec
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2017

This week, supposed to be a great week, turned into a nightmare.

I am on vacation! Time to be generous with family and friends. Not hard! Easy! And our cohort, of course. Well that was the plan.

weak week

The reality is that I have not been much available this week, contrarily to previous weeks.

I felt completely tired since the first day of holidays. I slept much more than usual. Not able to focus on any regular stuffs — such as reading.

Every movement required a great effort. Even spending time with my wife and kids was hard. I did my best though. Then sciatica pain! What is that? I never had that before!

Why is suddently generosity so hard? I feel guilty. I see slack messages on my i-Phone all day long:

Mariana Rego: Gave my cousin 5 rais

Lucia Die Gil: Shared a video with Jane Kelly

Heather Hanson: I’ve shared and retweeted several posts this morning from individuals doing great things in the world

Jose Sopeña: Provided encouragement and positive feedback to a colleague

Me: nothing


My ego feels guilty. Not me. Too hard for me right now.

Question: Have I been generous with myself for the last months?

Obviously I was not.

Question: Can you be generous with others if you forget about yourself?

Not always. I didn’t know that.



Yves Cavarec

Je suis consultant en entreprise, expert du pilotage et du reporting de durabilité et formé à l'audit CSRD