wk#5 — Welcoming my fears

Yves Cavarec
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2017
Locked in my fears

This is the end of the second cohort and I am late in publishing on Medium for week 5. Sorry.

I don’t want to find any excuses, but since the end of week #3, I have had the feeling of being deeply impacted by this experience with Leadwise and particularly the immunity map exercise. And it took me some time to identify what was being moved inside. Because it is something that I was not aware of: fear.

False fears

I must recognize that many, too many decisions I made in my life were based on my false fears. Fear is good when you are danger for real: it takes control and helps you have the best reaction to stay alive.

The problem is false fears. They exist only in my imagination, triggers the “fight-or-flight stress response” when it is not necessary, limits my capacity to step fully into my life’s purpose. It has been hard for me to recognize them. I have hardly resisted them. I am not proud of them. It is even something that I am ashamed of.

Albert Einstein :

The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.

I have lived in a hostile universe so far. So let’s see now what I can do with this. I have made the decision to accept and confront my fears. I’ll do this in a sort of scientific way.


In the coming weeks, I’ll experiment what I assume to be the hostile parts of the world for me. I will start from a list of my false fears including the fear of not being perfect, the fear of being rejected, the fear of being incompetent, humiliated or ignored… And I will do some experimentation, which supposes that I jump into each of them one by one with no safety net. I will publish the result on Medium periodically.

Thank you all

This training on self-management has been great. I am thankful to Leadwise. I met impressive people including Susan Basterfield, Valentina Montanaro, Moses Mohan, Jane Kelly, Bryan Ungard, Guita Gopalan, Ian Borges, Mariana Rego, Benito Guidi, Lucia Die Gil, Kate Beecroft and her chicken, Ken Laidlaw, and all of you!

Let’s keep in touch if you will! I use LinkedIn as well. I am looking forward to reading/hearing from you.



Yves Cavarec

Je suis consultant en entreprise, expert du pilotage et du reporting de durabilité et formé à l'audit CSRD