Why Taking Vitamins is Like Setting Your Money on Fire

Do you think you need vitamins to live a long life? Why? Where did you get that idea? I mean, sea turtles live a couple hundred years without any manmade chemicals, some species of whales live up to 200 years without vitamins and many of your fellow humans have made it beyond 100 years old without ever taking a single synthetic vitamin. So what makes you think you need a vitamin or multiple synthetic supplements to be healthy?

These are questions I think few supplement takers ever take the time to ask. They just see the celebrity brand ambassadors swear by their vitamin regimen and blindly assume if it works for them — it will work for me. Not really thinking that the only reason why that perfect looking celebrity was in that commercial is because they were paid big money to rep that product to make you sublimely believe the way to look like a celebrity isn’t genetics, it’s in the vitamins!

How easily fooled we are. Why do so many people get so blindsided by all these marketing messages and forget that their entire bodies came from the ground with no man made chemicals needed. Nature did everything to bring you into this world, and believe it or not but nature is the healthiest thing for your body — not some man made chemicals made by a company looking to make itself rich.

The independent research against vitamins is beginning to mount up and beginning to show that unless you suffer from a specific vitamin deficiency problem there is no reason why you should take synthetic vitamins in any form. Nature has everything we need, and our bodies run much more efficiently on nature rather than man made chemicals. And if you think vitamins help make you smarter or more energetic — they don’t. The smartest people ever to have been born never took vitamins and nor should you. The people I am talking about are Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, The Wright Brothers, Nicolai Copernicus, William Shakespeare, the Buddha and many other very creative and innovative people who never needed vitamins to live a very healthy creative life.

Do yourself a favour and stop buying manmade chemicals. I’ve attached some links to studies and doctors who show you why wasting your money on vitamins is stupid and is likely causing more harm than the so called health you thought you were buying. Fall in love with the nature that brought you into this world — not the man made marketing of some douchebag marketer looking to make himself rich of your brainwashed soul.

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Just To Be on the Safe Side: Don’t Take Vitamins

Doctor John McDougall. May 2010.


Excess vitamin intake: An unrecognized risk factor for obesity

Zhou, Shi-Sheng, and Yiming Zhou. “Excess Vitamin Intake: An Unrecognized Risk Factor for Obesity.” World Journal of Diabetes 5.1 (2014): 1–13. PMC. Web. 24 Apr. 2015.


