The Story of Narcissus and Echo — Greek Mythology #2

The story of Narcissus and Echo in Greek mythology — the source of Sigmund Freud’s idea of narcissism and narcissus complex.

Samrat Dutta
Greek Mythology


The story of Narcissus and Echo in Greek mythology — the source of Sigmund Freud’s idea of narcissism and narcissus complex.
Ancient Greek Architecture. (Source: Pexels)

Let me tell you an ancient story from Greek mythology today. Today, I’ll tell you the story of Narcissus, who was the son of the water god Cephissus according to ancient Greek mythology. His mother was Liriope. Liriope was a forest fairy. Their son Narcissus’s birth was a blessing to them. He was an attractive young man from an early age. His father was a god and his mother was a forest fairy with the beauty of all the worlds combined, so it was pretty obvious.

Narcissus’ mother went to a blind astrologer named Tiresias to find out about her son’s future. Who is Tiresias? He was an unfortunate guy who was previously blinded by Athena, the daughter of the God Zeus. That is why God Zeus gave him the power to foretell the future as compensation for Tyresius’ blindness. When Narcissus’s mother asked Tiresias about her son’s life, Tyresius checked his future and told Liriope, “This boy will have a long life, but there is a condition. If and only if he never looks at himself in the mirror, he will live a long life.

Narcissus was kept away from mirrors from an early age. He never saw himself. Meanwhile, as…

