OCTOBER 3: Celebration of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite

Saints Cyprian and Saint Justina.

Dionysius was an idolater from the city of Athens, a member of the Areopagus Council (the Supreme Court of Athens), with exceptional education and a cultured individual, who was enchanted by the preachings of the Apostle Paul and was baptized a Christian. From the episcopal throne of Athens, he performed miracles and led thousands to the Christian faith. He preached the Gospel in various places in the West and according to some he was arrested in Paris where he was beheaded along with his two students Rusticus and Eleftherius. Despite the command that no one should bury the relics of the martyrs, they were buried by Christians that kept them and waited for the right moment to commemorate them properly. Saint Dionysius is also honored for the plethora of his theological writings, and he is also celebrated on October 12 along with the Synaxis of the Saints of Athens.

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