Apple’s switch to USB-C is a win for sustainability

Here’s why Apple’s decision to switch to USB-C is a good thing for the environment.

Nat Misic
Green Code Innovations
3 min readSep 17, 2023


As a software developer very dedicated to sustainability and going green in every way, I’m positively surprised about Apple’s decision to switch to USB-C for the iPhone 15. This is a long-overdue move that will have a number of positive environmental impacts.

For one, USB-C is a universal standard.

This means that people will be able to reuse their existing USB-C cables with their new iPhone. This will help to reduce electronic waste, as people will no longer need to throw away their Lightning cables.

Additionally, USB-C cables can support higher power delivery than Lightning cables. This means that people will be able to charge their iPhones faster and more efficiently. This will lead to reduced energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Finally, USB-C is widely used in solar and wind power systems. This means that people will be able to charge their iPhones using renewable energy more easily. This will help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and make some impact on climate change.

Apple’s switch to USB-C is a positive step for sustainability. I hope that other companies will follow Apple’s lead and switch to USB-C for their devices as well.

Photo by Julian O'hayon on Unsplash

Here are some additional thoughts on why Apple’s switch to USB-C is good for the environment:

  • Reduced resource extraction and processing: The manufacturing of new cables requires the extraction and processing of raw materials, such as copper and plastic. By reducing the number of cables that need to be produced, Apple’s switch to USB-C will help to reduce the environmental impact of resource extraction and processing.
  • Improved recyclability: USB-C cables are made from a smaller number of materials than Lightning cables, which makes them easier to recycle. This will help to reduce the amount of electronic waste that ends up in landfills.
  • Extended product lifespan: USB-C cables are more durable than Lightning cables, which means that they are likely to last longer. This will reduce the need to replace cables frequently, which will further reduce the environmental impact of electronic waste.

I hope that other companies will follow Apple’s lead and make similar commitments to sustainability.

The switch to USB-C is just one step towards a more sustainable future for the tech industry. There are a number of other things that companies and consumers can do to reduce the environmental impact of the tech industry.

For example, companies can design their products to be more durable and repairable. Consumers can extend the lifespan of their devices by taking care of them properly and repairing them when they break. Additionally, consumers can choose to buy refurbished devices and recycle their old devices when they are no longer needed.

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

By working together, we can reduce the environmental impact of the tech industry and create a more sustainable future for all.



Nat Misic
Green Code Innovations

Android enthusiast skilled in Java, Kotlin, Android, Flutter | Google Women Techmaker | Passionate about tech and sustainability, here and in Green Code pub.