GDM: A new publication

Sarah Suib
Green Design Malaysia
2 min readNov 29, 2020

Green Design Malaysia (GDM) community started as a Facebook Group in July 2020. It was created as a platform and resource center for designers, businesses, consumers, and students to share and exchange knowledge, ideas, and insights about green design in Malaysia. Our vision is for Malaysia to be a hub for sustainable products and designs. To achieve this:

We aim to support local designers in adopting sustainability as part of their design practice and philosophy.

We want businesses to know about the abundant opportunities in sustainability and how to create values through the circular economy.

We aspire to empower consumers by helping them explore the various green and eco options available and making smart decisions that can improve their everyday. Most importantly, to enjoy sustainable lifestyles!

We hope that these efforts can spark interest in students and younger generations about the importance of sustainable values.

We believe that sustainable values can be used as a catalyst to inspire creative ideas and innovative solutions.

Why we started a Medium publication

Facebook has been a great platform to built a community and engage with Malaysians that are interested and enthusiastic about green design. However, more often than not, a lot of valuable content (especially, those in the comments section) remains hidden from members who did not partake in the conversation. Medium is a great platform for us to archive and make our content easily accessible to everyone.

The platform also allows us to organize content shared by the members in a structured manner. Besides, a Medium publication offers a space for more in-depth content that would have been too long for a social media post.

In summary, we hope that this channel will allow us:

To structure and archive our content better;

Enrich our engagement with wider audiences; and

Expand our network with people who are interested in green design initiatives, sustainability, and circular economy inside and outside the country.

As a community, our aim is to make sustainability the main agenda in Malaysia’s growth and future development.

