Don’t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight Book Review | 60 Seconds Read Helps You Decide to Buy This Or Not

Green Earth Family
Green Earth Family
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2020

Don’t Lose Your Mind Lose Your Weight- This book about nutrition and health changed my life in invariable ways. The author writes in a manner as if she is talking to you with simple tips which we tend to overlook. However, if we adhere to them all we can see great changes in our body, skin and life in general. A deeply encouraging and motivating book for all health conscious people. This book teaches you to treat food with respect and make the most of it. It should be read every time you lose track with your body.

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Four Principles of Eating Right:

  • Never wake up to tea or coffee in the morning. Instead eat real food within 10 to 15 minutes of waking up. When we sleep, our blood sugar levels drop in the night. In the morning our liver stores are almost empty. So our blood sugar is low and it’s our responsibility to bring this up to an optimum level. Low blood sugar is also a reason why we feel ‘low’ in the morning. Eat real food. This kicks in the action of insulin, which is secreted by the body as a response to an increase in blood sugar levels. The stimulants provided through tea and coffee increase blood sugar levels but provide zero nutrition to the cells that have been starving for the last 9–10 hrs.
  • Eat every 2 hours. Eating every 2 hrs will lead to a conducive environment in the body to burn fat and thus fewer calories get converted to fat and we get a flatter stomach and no need to hold on to fat stores.
  • Eat more when you are more active and less when you are less active. We need to up our eating during high demand periods and cut down when relaxing. No food is fattening. You have to be just smart enough to choose the right time to eat it. Eating more when you are more active will make your body an effective calorie burner which will increase the metabolic rate of your body and helps you to lose weight more effectively.
  • Finish your last meal at least 2 hrs prior to sleeping. In the……..

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Green Earth Family
Green Earth Family

We community of people who want to make Earth a better place to live for themselves and the generations to come from the harmful things we do this planet.