Green Earth Family
Green Earth Family
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2019

We all know that going green is good for the environment. But did you know that it comes along with a lot of health benefits for you, your family and your pets as well?

Let´s have a closer look at the health benefits of going green starting with the most obvious:


Your fitness will improve. How? Well, you will be starting to walk more and use the car less. Part of going green is to take the shorter trips walking. Or taking public transport instead of the car. Taking public transport will also add to you walking more. You might even decide to take the stairs instead wherever you can, which also benefits your fitness level.

Doctors are recommending more and more to walk for an hour a day to improve health. So, with going green you will definitely get closer to this hour

If you don´t get to the hour, then make sure you set a bit of time every day to walk. Or start “Plogging”. Ever heard of it? Plogging is a mix of jogging and the Swedish word for picking up. There are 2 forms up to yet. People pick up litter on their run.

Reduced toxins

One very big health benefit of going green is the use of natural products instead of toxic ones. By buying eco-friendly products you will automatically do your health a favour as well. What is bad for the environment is bad for our health too. We are going to look a little bit deeper into the different areas now.

1) Health benefits of going green for your lungs

I am sure you have had it too when you were cleaning and found it hard to breathe? Especially cleaning products that are supposed to help you get results fast contain a lot of harmful chemicals.

Have you ever thought about reading the labels? This is one thing you will be doing when going green. Most products are dangerous for kids and you need to wear gloves. Do you really want to breathe those in and damage your lungs?

Another benefit for your lungs is that you will be starting to get more plants into your home and onto your balcony if you have one. Just a small “herbal garden” in your kitchen will already improve the air quality of your home. And your lungs will appreciate this as well.

If you want to find out more about changing the air quality in your home, I recommend you have a look around on FreshOAir.

2) Health benefits for your skin

Using eco-friendly products or, even better, homemade chemical free products you will be able to…

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Green Earth Family
Green Earth Family

We community of people who want to make Earth a better place to live for themselves and the generations to come from the harmful things we do this planet.