Cost of climate change

Huangjiang Lin
Green Gobal
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2021

In my previous blog, I was responding to a class member’s blog post. It was really interesting and brought up my attention. In order to follow his thoughts regarding the other facts of the cost of climate change. I found the book “ resolving the climate change crisis”. It gives me the answers I have been looking for and provides very clearer detail.

In his book, Philip Lawn believed the total cost of climate change can be summed into two categories. He wrote “The first category comprises the direct and indirect costs of climate change damages, such as increasing water shortages; declining agricultural output; ecosystem service losses; dwindling forestry and fishery stocks; coastline losses and seawater inundations; damage to physical infrastructure; increases in the frequency and severity of natural disasters; and a likely escalation in resource-based conflicts and wars.”.(Pg.226,2016).

The paragraph is pretty straightforward talking about the cost of climate change. Which can be taken as the monetary cost. It’s very important to know this because it basically covers all the matters we face today as a result of climate change. Imagining how much we lose due to climate change and the cost to fix it. It must be a huge figure.

In dealing with the reduction of climate change damage, he also introduced the second category. Philip wrote “better flood control; the establishment of drought-resistant crops; improvements in water, forestry, and fisheries management to minimize the climate change diminutions of natural capital stocks; the construction and/or expansion of dykes and levees; improved monitoring and control of disease outbreaks; and the establishment of heat-health warning systems and natural-disaster action plan”.

As we all can see. The cost of climate change is very huge economically. Meanwhile, We need to consider the cost from a non-monetary perspective which is the resources. As the human population grows and resources become less due to climate change. This can end up in wars among countries.

Lawn, Philip. Resolving the Climate Change Crisis : The Ecological Economics of Climate Change : The Ecological Economics of Climate Change, Springer Netherlands, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central,



Huangjiang Lin
Green Gobal
Editor for

Hello, My name is HuangJiang Lin and I am curious about everything in the world. I like adventure sports