Response to class member’s blog post

Huangjiang Lin
Green Gobal
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2021

In Casey Coleman’s blog post “The modern growth of greenhouse gas emissions”. I am not only surprised by the good research he has done. But also he brought up a pretty interesting point that is very different from mine. It is to be said that he gave a lot of thoughts on climate change.

In the first beginning part of his article, he explained his thoughts and concerns about doing this topic. He pointed out the relationship between the human population and resources. The more population grows, the fewer resources an individual has. And it can lead to many serious questions such as war. Rather than focus on the negative outcome of climate change. He took strategy in explaining the causes. And that’s something we should really think and worry about. In his words “…With the increased production that has been required to maintain the increasingly growing population, this has caused for an increase in the expulsion of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere”. Since the resources need to meet the desires and needs of such a large population. It’s not avoidable by gas emission and air pollution. In the end, he suggested finding cleaner ways of manufacturing. And I totally agree with that. Also, following his logic, I would suggest using more renewable resources in consideration of resources.

Casey Coleman. (2021, March 16). The danger of earth’s climate changing: The modern growth of greenhouse gas emission



Huangjiang Lin
Green Gobal
Editor for

Hello, My name is HuangJiang Lin and I am curious about everything in the world. I like adventure sports