How to lose weight fast?

Ahmed Mohamed
Green House
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2022


How to lose weight fast?


1-How did you gain weight in the first place?

2-How to maintain a healthy diet?

3-Did you heard about EXIPURE?

4-Final Thoughts

1-How did you gain weight in the first place?

Your weight influenced by three main factors gene calories and environments


The first factor in the equation of gaining weight is the difference between how much you consume calories and much you burn them.

If burn all the calories that you consumed during the day you would maintain your weight, on the other hand, if you burned fewer calories than you consume daily you will gain weight.

The extra calories that you consumed during the day are stored in your body as fats, your body stores these fats in the adipose tissues.


Your obesity will be affected by genes if your parents or any relative are overweight or you can’t lose weight even if you followed a healthy diet and do daily exercise and burn more calories than you consumed daily.

