Letter of support for Connor for Council from Mike Stout

Jay Ting Walker
2 min readSep 23, 2021


To the citizens of Pittsburgh’s 4th Council District, including the neighborhoods of Beechview, Bon Air, Brookline, Carrick, Mt. Washington and Overbrook:

I strongly encourage you to step out of the ‘establishment box’ and vote for Connor Mulvaney for Pittsburgh City Council.

I know Connor personally and have worked with him in numerous capacities. Connor is a Brookline resident who understands the problems confronting our communities in the South Hills: lack of adequate public transportation, dilapidated infrastructure resulting in ongoing sewage line breaks and flooding, lack of affordable housing and lack of affordable healthcare. When the snow storms hit, our steep mountainous streets seem to be the last to get plowed. Not only will Connor address these problems in a more forthright manner — HE WILL MAKE HIMSELF AVAILABLE 24/7 to the citizens to air their complaints and concerns. He will be more than a voice for our citizens — he will give our citizens a platform for their own voices.

As a solid member of the working class, Connor has worn many hats in his fight for sustainable development and understand the importance of moving our City towards renewable energy. He understands the challenges that the 21st century poses to working people in Pittsburgh. He is a cofounder of the public safety and transit advocacy organization South Hills Safe Streets and previously worked on Re-Imagine Beaver County, an initiative that planned long term sustainability measures in economic and social development. He is young, smart and full of energy ready to expend on behalf of our City and in particular, the 4th District.

Most importantly, Connor does not accept monetary contributions from corporations or political action committees. In other words, he is beholden to NO ONE BUT THE CITIZENS OF THE 4TH district! When the City budget is negotiated and laws and regulations proposed, the interests of our communities will be front and center, not some invisible corporation or private outside interest.

If you want the same ol’ same ol’, vote for the establishment candidate. You want someone who is fresh, new, young, energetic and is one of the hardworking ordinary people of this area ready to lead us into a better and brighter future, then step out of the box and vote for CONNOR MULVANEY.

He has my total support; I hope and pray he will have yours.

Mike Stout, President
Izaak Walton League of America, Allegheny County Chapter
Former union grievance Chair, Homestead United Steelworkers Local 1397
Former Union member, Pgh, Musicians Union Local 60–471
Former Candidate for State Representative

