United We Stand in Solidarity Forever

Ron Gavalik
Green Party of Allegheny County
3 min readJul 14, 2020

In the wake of the tragic murder of George Floyd, the people demand justice as we pursue a new democracy founded on the defiance of power.

Residents of the Greater Pittsburgh region march in solidarity during the first day of the George Floyd protests on May 30, 2020.

These words either come far too late or far too early. Only you can make that determination. Over the past weeks, I have watched men and women of impassioned rage and with a deep thirst for liberty set aflame the symbols of despotic control that have continued to enslave black citizens across this country. In a wider lens, we bear witness as the great American worker begins to cut off the chains of the ruling class. In solidarity, the people are awakening to an inner strength as the armed state and their political leaders use violence to protect the fragile halls of power and wealth.

Over the course of the past several weeks, since the end of May, I have seen, heard, and I have felt the beautiful struggle for justice. Every Black Lives Matter Revolutionary I’ve had the pleasure to meet on the pavement is a hero and every dissenting voice that carries through the air is the music of a free people. These courageous souls carry progress on their shoulders for the advancement of our society.

While I know in my heart that our generation is living the final 25 years of white supremacy, we are also witnessing the birth of a new class of robber-barons, otherwise known as the oligarhy, plutocracy, or aristocracy. Choose whichever term you prefer — they all equal the same result— a loss of democratic control over our lives. New wealth and old power is being gathered by the very people leading the destruction of our ecosystem. With only a few years remaining to salvage a fraction of the environment and the human dignity we’ve lost, our work is to actively love each other in self-defense of the greed that plagues this nation.

The struggle before us, like all Revolutionary moments, is a painful necessity. In the upcoming presidential election this November, we are again faced with two mainstream candidates who’ve made blood enemies of the citizenry. In our minority effort to force power to respond to the needs of the people, the Green Party has forwarded two working-class champions for the presidential ticket: Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker. That campaign must acquire at least 5% of the national vote (about 7 million votes), to achieve federal funding for future campaigns. That kind of popular support might seem like nothing, but a truly progressive umbrella can be used as a base that forces legislative actors to recognize our health needs with Medicare for All, our need to Defund the Police in pursuit of justice, and our energy needs under the Green New Deal.

Watching mainstream Democrats rationalize their support for Joe Biden, the chief architect of the modern carceral state, is enough to make a devoted activist weep. Listening to the raging chants of Trump, Trump, Trump, from aggrieved bigots and dangerous authoritarians reminds me how fragile life can be within a free nation. To rescue our generation from the jaws of a greed-stricken decline, we simply must achieve 5% for the Green Party. That action is our only electoral solution to the imminent threat to organized human life.

The sun may be slowly setting on another dark chapter of what will soon be United States history. However, there is much work ahead of us if we intend to survive. When the next morning comes, may we hold hands, empowered with the knowledge that we’ve finally destroyed fascism.

Note to Readers: The Green Party of Allegheny County needs your support to continue our pursuit of people and planet over profits. Please consider making a donation. We also encourage you to get involved in Green politics.



Ron Gavalik
Green Party of Allegheny County

Award-winning professional writer in the Rust Belt of Pittsburgh. Whiskey Poet. Media Coord. for the Green Party of Allegheny County. | PittsburghWriter.net