19 Simple Ways to Live Greener

Emily Ann Stavale
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2019


It’s possible to reduce your environmental impact without doing a whole lifestyle overhaul. Here, in no particular order, are 19 simple ways to do your part:

1. Carry a reusable water bottle and/or coffee mug — extra points if it’s made from something other than plastic. Avoid buying beverages in single-use containers, especially plastic ones. Mug options here, bottles here.

2. Take the stairs if you are able — elevators and escalators use a lot of energy, and if we stop using them, maybe developers will stop installing so many of them. Let’s not forget the stairs are better for you, too!

3. Take public transit and/or carpool — sacrifice a little bit of convenience to save the planet.

4. Ride your bike, walk, skate, etc.; less automobile use is better for your body, your wallet, and Mother Earth.

5. Subscribe to paperless billing, and opt for the digital receipt when offered.

6. Unsubscribe from that magazine or newspaper you rarely end up reading.

7. Be mindful of your phantom electrical load — unplug electronics when they aren’t in use; electricity is drawn from the outlets even when electronics are switched off.

8. Next time you go toothbrush shopping, buy one made from bamboo or another sustainable material. For more information on sustainable toothbrush options, check this out.

9. Turn the lights, TVs, radios, etc., off when you leave the room.

10. When your light bulbs need replacing, buy more efficient ones.

11. Don’t run the water the whole time you’re washing dishes or brushing your teeth; turn it on and off as needed.

12. Don’t use provided dog poop bags; if possible, bring an already-once-used plastic bag from home instead (as many of us have a stockpile of these). Using the provided doggy bags only encourages the production of more single-use plastic.

13. Shop with reusable bags — and petition your local government to ban single-use plastic bags.

14. Refuse single-use plastic straws — carry a reusable one made from a sustainable material, or ditch straws altogether. For some sustainable straw options click here.

15. Refuse plastic utensils — keep regular reusable utensils in your desk, purse, or glove box.

16. When your server offers you a to-go box at the end of your meal, ask “What’s it made from?” — refuse to take styrofoam containers, and ask your server to bring you some aluminum foil to wrap your food; recycle the foil after use.

17. Opt for purchasing items in sustainable packaging when possible. Better yet, shop in bulk and at farmers’ markets, using canvas totes and mason jars or other reusable containers, avoiding single-use packaging entirely.

18. Stop supporting fast fashion — shop at thrift stores, buying used goods, and opt for purchasing durable, sustainably produced items over cheap, poorly constructed items made in sweatshops by underpaid laborers.

19. Eat less meat, especially beef. The beef industry uses ten times more resources than poultry, dairy, eggs or pork, according to this article by Smithsonian Magazine.

Starting with small steps like these, we can each make a difference in the fate of this planet — she’s the only one we’ve got, after all.

This post was created by an amazing GREEN ZINE volunteer contributor, and opinions expressed may not represent the views of Greenpeace. If you are interested in volunteering as a GREEN ZINE contributor, visit this link.

