6 Ways You Can Help The Environment Right NOW

Alexa Dark
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2018

Sometimes, the fight to help the environment seems like a hard task, especially for the individual. In reality, there are many things that we can do, without doing much at all.

  1. Walk to work. When you can, try walking to your destination to cut down the carbon emissions that occur from driving a car.
  2. Online shop. It’s the perfect excuse to be lazy and get everything you need from the comfort of your own home and laptop screen. But it’s actually more sustainable than you might think. It’s proven that buying online is more environmentally sustainable, as it demands less energy and even reduces carbon dioxide emissions than shopping in-store.
  3. Take it to-go. When you eat out at restaurants, take your left-overs to go. Not only does it help the environment, but will also be delicious meal tomorrow.
  4. Bring your own travel cup. Coffee obsession in the US has reached an all time crazy. The statistics prove it: Americans drink 400 million cups of coffee per day, or 146 billion cups of coffee per year. And, chances are, if Starbucks or a local coffee shop is the source of your caffeine craze, you’re purchasing your coffee disposable cups. Just one cup of coffee or tea in a disposable cup a day creates 23 lbs of waste a year. A simple solution is bringing your own travel cup to your favorite coffee shop. (Some shops even provide discounts, so it’s a pro for the planet and your wallet!)
  5. Bring your own reusable bag. Just like with the travel cup, you can bring your own bag grocery shopping. Plastic has been proven to be dangerous, taking up to 1,000 years to break down, and killing an atrocious amount of animals a year, including one million birds and 100,000 turtles. Reusable bags are easy to bring with you shopping and sustainable.
  6. Eat from a smaller plate. Portion sizes are getting larger, and waste is too. By choosing to eat from a smaller plate, you can practice portion control and fit more on the plate that you definitely won’t waste.

This post was created by an amazing GREEN ZINE volunteer contributor, and opinions expressed may not represent the views of Greenpeace. If you are interested in volunteering as a GREEN ZINE contributor, visit this link.

