All About the Global Action Summit (Sept.12th–14th)

April Schroeder
Published in
4 min readSep 5, 2018

President Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement on climate change mitigation on June 1, 2017. Lucky for us, he was singular in that decision. We will carry on without him as evidenced by the Global Action Summit taking place this month. The event will be held in San Francisco, CA Sept. 12 to 14, co-hosted by California’s governor, Jerry Brown, and the former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg.

What is the goal of the Global Action Summit?

The Global Action Summit leaders plan to showcase climate action progress on the state and municipal level while pointing out, that we need stronger commitments to meet the goal of reducing global emissions by 2020.

The Global Action Summit will focus on five key areas, here’s the skinny on each:

1) Healthy Energy Systems

Participants on the state, regional, and city level will be encouraged to convert to zero-emission transportation by providing their residents with access to walkable cities, bikes/bike paths, and public transportation in addition to encouraging the purchase of electric vehicles.

2) Inclusive Economic Growth

Businesses who have successfully provided jobs that are sustainable for both the employee and the environment will share their success stories. These same corporations will be challenged to set further goals in carbon reduction backed by scientific data.

3) Sustainable Communities

Cities adhering to The Global Climate Summit challenges will strive for net zero carbon construction, zero emissions buses, and a 15% reduction in waste.

4 & 5) Land and Ocean Stewardship

Sourcing food with conservation in mind from production to consumption is the name of the game in this area and it delivers a powerful punch of up to 30% of total climate solutions needed by 2030!

These challenges are fostered by related breakout sessions such as:

  • Healthy Energy Systems — Our Clean & Renewable Future
  • Businesses Stepping Up with Science-Based Targets
  • Climate-Safe Communities for All: Cities Delivering the Paris Agreement
  • Green and Healthy Streets: Transitioning to Zero Emission Transport
  • What We Eat and How It’s Grown: Food Systems and Climate
  • The Investor Agenda: Accelerating Action for a Low-Carbon World

Who will be there?

The roll call at the Global Climate Action Summit is impressive, to say the least. The organizers have covered all of the bases from scientists like Jane Goodall, to prominent voices in climate such as Al Gore and Dave Matthews. Students and activists are on the invitation list as well. Most impressive — government leaders from six continents will be there ready to make pledges for those they represent.

How can I participate?

Affiliate events

The entire week before and during the Global Climate Action Summit will be filled with amazing affiliate events in the Bay area such as:

  • Zero Footprint Dining Week
  • San Francisco Green Film Festival
  • Coal and Ice Photography Exhibition
  • Green Glam SF

(The full schedule can be found here.)

Check out The Hum Sum

Hum Sum is a community-oriented platform that allows users to showcase Summit related actions around the world. Their goal is to expand on the energy generated by the Summit to positively display what exists while reminding us that we need to do more.


If you are lucky enough to live nearby — the event coordinators are still accepting volunteers. Sign up here.

Attend the event virtually.

If you live thousands of miles away like me, no sweat; live streaming will take us there via YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter!

Join the Rise for Climate Movement

On September 8th your fellow activists will be taking to the streets in San Fransisco to demand that pressure Governor Jerry Brown stop allowing oil and gas permits in CA. Be sure to stop by to see the worlds largest street mural Greenpeace project!

The Global Action Summit represents mobilization at it’s finest. Organizers have crossed pretty much every boundary there is with finesse and class — tangibly demonstrated by using only LEED platinum certified venues, committing to carbon offset projects, providing green lodging, reusing or donating all used materials, and choosing a climate-friendly menu.

The attitude is positive and all-inclusive, the reach is massive, and the impacts may just save us despite our lack of a climate-friendly government — who needs ’em anyway — power to the people!

How are you planning to participate in the Climate Summit?

