
Building Engineer Log: Goggles Up!

My vision sees right through the apartment tenants

Pete Z
Greener Pastures Magazine


Photo by Adam Birkett on Unsplash

Saturday, 3/35/2023, 8:58 AM

I have a vision. I have a vision to become more than a building engineer. I have my vision. I use protective eyewear. Goggles up. Seal verified.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 9:17 AM

Tenant in 4J needs help with cooktop. Asks about my eyewear, I tell him they are industrial strength, ballistic grade. He says it is good to be ready for any contingency, asks where I purchased goggles. Says he is worried about government seizing gas range. Range verified, all burner elements fully functional. Tenant states that he is licensed plumber. He indicates skepticism that pursuing engineering degree is good for me, recommends I work in a trade. Reiterates his belief government will be replacing gas range, understands it is not my fault. Tenant extends invitation to me to join online meeting for something called ‘Real Men Forum’ starting at 8 PM.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 9:59 AM

Goggles down. Studying materials for junior engineering certification, test in under three weeks. Feeling good about fluid portion, not so much on dynamics. Goggles up.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 10:17 AM

Call from 7B. Issue with garbage disposal. Unit smells like incense. Tenant asks why I have engineering manual. Says experience and long hours of work are only path to success. States further that disposal unit is not working. Plunged, flushed, reset unit. Instructed tenant that large volume of pasta and banana peels should not be forced into unit. Tenant restated experience requirement, adding that a minimum of ten years is needed to “get good at anything.” Tenant asks if I like something called The Velvet Underground.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 10:27 AM

Goggles down. Continue exam prep, conduct initial research on troubleshooting furnace control board units. Developed outline for freelance trade magazine article. Goggles up.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 11:58 AM

Goggles down. Lunch break. Supervisor calls on work mobile. States that he shares 4J tenant concerns regarding gas powered appliances. Goggles up. Describes need for vigilance during trying times, indicates mistrust of anyone under thirty years of age. I turn twenty next month. Further concerns stated with me studying during breaks. States “book learning and engineering schools are a big part of why society is collapsing.” Goggles down. Continued to work on outline. Goggles up.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 12:52 PM

New ticket from Apartment 2B. States that HVAC unit is continually powering down. Tenant advises that only way to succeed in society is with four year university degree. States further that there is resurgence in utility of liberal arts programs. Explains interesting dichotomy. As machines become more intelligent, what will differentiate humans? Tenant states that HVAC unit likely needs full replacement. Replaced filter, conducted system reset and diagnostic test. Passed. Tenant offers artisan cheese to sample, provides business card for Etsy site and virtual yoga studio.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 1:49 PM

Goggles down. Wrote first draft of freelance piece. Added open ended conclusion regarding long term future of HVAC system troubleshooting, role of technician in age of increasing automation. Goggles up.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 3:57 PM

5A enters new ticket, marked urgent. States lights in primary bath not working. Tenant asserts likely faulty wiring, possible fire hazard. Tenant provides basic advice stating that graduate education is required for true mastery of any subject. Cites experience as teaching assistant (GTA?) as highly formative, offers to lend me a 2017 GRE Prep book. Reset GFCI, instructed tenant not to use hair dryer and flat iron simultaneously.

Saturday, 3/25/2023, 5:00 PM

Goggles down. I have my vision. Reviewed fluids, dynamics sections of test guide. Forwarded freelance draft to personal email account for revision. Ran internet search on the word dichotomy. Grab highlighter for another review of engineering study guide. I have a vision. I have my vision.



Pete Z
Greener Pastures Magazine

Pete is a comedy writer and host of the podcast Make Me Laugh with Pete Z