
Dos & Don’ts For Your First Virtual Date

A Virtually Perfect Night.

Brian Gutierrez
Greener Pastures Magazine


Image Credits: Evelina Zhu (Pexels)

Do find the quietest part of your living room.

Don’t let your family distract you.

Do have a notebook and pen ready to take notes.

Don’t pretend to be frozen the first time you see your date.

Do dress well from the waist up.

Don’t worry about your sweat pants.

Do ask open-ended questions, like “what do you think of my tuxedo T-shirt?”

Don’t hesitate to answer your own questions first.

Do mention your passion for doing spontaneous circus acts.

Don’t juggle and swallow swords while talking.

Do smile, even if they’re telling you a sad story.

Don’t frown, even if you’re telling them a sad story.

Do show off your collection of Nerf Guns and accessories.

Don’t mention your really expensive Nerf Guns.

Do tell them about the one time you cried at a Chuck E. Cheese.

Don’t tell them it was last week.

Do introduce them to your parents.

Don’t let them dominate the conversation with their own open-ended questions.

Do order two large pepperoni and meat pizzas from Geno’s Pizzeria for the both of you.

Don’t worry about asking for any dietary preferences.

Do eat for two.

Don’t forget dessert!

Do take them out for a walk on your laptop.

Don’t trip on your charger.

Do find a romantic bench and subtly put your arm around your laptop.

Don’t kiss the laptop.

Do offer to pay for their time.

Don’t pretend to be frozen the last time you see your date, unless it went really bad, then please do.



Brian Gutierrez
Greener Pastures Magazine

Brian is a writer living in the UK and once played a banjo in a dream he had in 2018.