
I, Prometheus, Bringer of Fire, Can’t Believe You’re Still Using Brick Ovens

You’ve GOTTA be more energy-conscious

Adam Campbell-Schmitt
Greener Pastures Magazine
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


Photo by Christian Paul Stobbe on Unsplash

Hey mortals, it’s me: Prometheus. Y’know, the Titan that gave you fire and got punished by his best friend, Zeus, and their giant eagle gnawing at his guts? Yeah… we need to talk.

Look, I gave you fire to spark human technological innovation (pun intended), which, to be fair, you did! You created civilizations and art and electricity and nuclear bombs (the latter was a bit much, but you do you). However, it’s come to my attention that you’re still using fire for way too many mundane tasks, like cooking your food or powering your Sport Utility Chariots. My controversial act seemed like a win at the time, but now I’m kinda regretting it. What’s that new slang term kids have for that feeling? … oh right: a Pyrrhic victory.

Sure, when you disobey orders from the most powerful God ever/your closest friend, and sneak humanity the gift of caustic creation, there are inherent risks. But you assume those will be, like, a few forest fires. But brick ovens? Really? That’s taking up so much energy! Oh, and the forest fire thing? WAY more than I guesstimated!

You’re each using the same amount of potential energy it would take to illuminate the Lighthouse at…



Adam Campbell-Schmitt
Greener Pastures Magazine

A writer and editor living, laughing, and loving in the NYC suburbs. Twitter: @adamcswrites