
I’m A Guy Who Makes Public Art and Yes It’s All Phallic On Purpose

Most people feel ashamed to admit their town’s large sculpture looks like a massive dong . I am here to tell you: you’re right on the money.

Gabe Meacher
Greener Pastures Magazine


Photo by JR Harris

When creating, all public artists strive to abstract the penis. Most strive to keep some semblance of the rod’s endearing strength and beauty, but not all succeed. The Eiffel Tower for example, looks nothing like a penis and is widely hated by public artists. As public artists our motto is: big penises, big penises on every corner.

It’s time to start a conversation between public artists and those who clearly see we’re out here making dicks, but can’t admit it. For years we have heard audiences of our work talk around the obvious. “Is anyone else seeing what I’m seeing?” YES! A penis! But no, the response is always “get your mind out of the gutter Todd!”. All we want is for your mind to be in the gutter, we made this huge dong sculpture for that exact reason!

So next time you pass your town’s magical phallic steel beam, give it a slap and say “hey dong!”, because that’s exactly what it is.

