I’m In Love With a Pufferfish and No One Cares

Why is CNN not covering my journey?

Kristine Laco
Greener Pastures Magazine
3 min readAug 30, 2021


Puffy. My one true love. Photo by Matt Bero on Unsplash

“A monkey-loving woman has been banned from visiting a male chimpanzee at a zoo in Antwerp, Belgium, after officials declared their relationship unhealthy for the animal’s socialization with other chimps.” — NY Post

Adie Timmermans, the woman banned from the Antwerp Zoo for starting a relationship with a chimp is a chump.

Yeah, I said it.

She’s been visiting the male chimpanzee weekly for four years and the media is calling it Monkey Love. She waves at him, kisses the glass, and essentially makes a fool of herself when children are trying to enjoy the otherwise wholesome chimps swinging from the trees, smearing feces on each other, and playing with their junk.

First. Where is her commitment?

Second. Why does she feel the need to ruin childrens’ fun?

Third. Seriously, a chimp. Could you get any more cliché? “Oh, I’m Adie, and I’m in love with a male primate who doesn’t hog the remote. He’s everything I ever wanted in a mate.” She might as well write letters to David Berkowitz.

I, on the other hand, am in love with a pufferfish and no one is even taking notice.



Kristine Laco
Greener Pastures Magazine

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