
Magic Monday — Feb. 7, 2022

Celebrating our favorite satire pieces of the past week!

Amy Currul
Greener Pastures Magazine


Photo by Alex Padurariu on Unsplash

Happy Monday! We’ve been pretty tired over here at GP this past week, but these pieces have kept us awake and cheery all week long:

Rachel Keller pulls off a comedy feat with this piece, combining Groundhog Day and Ayn Rand’s birthday into one eye-catching title and one hilarious wild ride. Check it out at Points In Case!

Devorah Blachor has a pitch-perfect timely piece on Belladonna Comedy that is both visual and wildly frustrating- how did we end up here AGAIN?

Another visual piece that we enjoyed, this time from Amy Strommer! Available for you to see/read/take in via Slackjaw. Are you feeling lucky?

Speaking of tired, we’ve been contemplating flying south for the winter to get some more Vitamin D, and who better to do it with than our winged & padded friends over at Humor Darling? Stav (the author) thoroughly delighted us with this one!

More goodness from Slackjaw, and from our very own Kate Rosow Chrisman! Receiving money for services rendered is always great, but getting paid in exposure? Priceless!

What were your favorite humor pieces this week? Comment below or tag us on Twitter!



Amy Currul
Greener Pastures Magazine

Words in McSweeney’s, Slackjaw, Weekly Humorist. Co-founder of Greener Pastures Magazine. & @amycurrul on Twitter. I really like doughnuts!