
Nihilist Fitness

Exercise for no reason with Bruno “Bruno” Nietzsche.

Scott Kremer
Greener Pastures Magazine


Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Good evening, welcome to Nihilist Fitness with me, Bruno “Bruno” Nietzsche.

Tonight, we will work on our core strength and examine the possibility of an ethical return after the death of God.

First, we lift the very heavy weight. And we hold, and we hold. And as we hold, we understand that empirical reality is merely an illusion, and we are all just a dream of some unformed consciousness, which we as humans confuse with “existence” and have attempted to explain away, like children, with the absurd idea of a God which exercises control over the world!

And we hold. We do not put down the very heavy weight.

And we start leg lifts.

Leg lifts with the very heavy weight!

As we lift our legs, we close our eyes, and we engulf ourselves in the blackness, just blackness, nothing but blackness.

And we do not put down the very heavy weight! We hold!

We hold, and we acknowledge that the theoretical existence to which we cling presupposes that there is “hope,” and that there is some form which is “us,” and that this “us” can act with “free will.”

And we know that these concepts are infantile! That there is no “hope.” There is no “us!”

And we hold! We do not put down the very heavy weight!

And we stop our leg lifts, and we march.

We march in place.

We march in place with the very heavy weight, waiting for the fictitious collection of atoms which we have tricked ourselves into experiencing as “ourselves” to fall to chaos and return struggling into the amorphous goo!

We hold the weight! We hold the very heavy weight!

And then we fail.

We put down the very heavy weight, and we continue on with our day.

O.K., let’s shake it out.

Great work, see you next week, when we address the concept of the overman as the creator of new values while we pedal on a stationary bike.

